Health: The Basics (10th Edition)
Description for Health: The Basics (10th Edition)
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.Health starts here! With an emphasis on media, the new Health: The Basics, Tenth Edition features robust relatable content, bringing health topics to life and keeping you hooked on learning and living well. Now enhanced with an even more comprehensive package of easy-to-use media and supplements, this edition makes teaching and learning personal health extra dynamic. The Tenth Edition includes new ABC News videos, more online worksheets, new course management and eText options, Tweet Your Health, new student “behavior change video log (vlog)” videos, countless new teacher supplements, and more. These resources bring personal health to life in any form–in the classroom, online, or on the iPad. These tools all motivate students to be more interested in the book content and invest in their health.
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